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genre:Space invaders Games
features:text, sound, visuals
last edit by:Dark


Like BariBari Samurai, this is another short, free arcade style game from Japanese developer Psyam Games. Though it is in that by now very familiar genre of space invaders games, there are some differences to this one which add a unique twist.

As with most games of this typ, the object is to center the sound of the descending ufo's with your arrow keys, and shoot with the spacebar. All the ufo's will move from side to side getting closer to the ground, meaning you need to be extra careful in finding them, particularly since the rate of fire of your fighter's laser is incredibly slow, though it is possible to take out multiple ufos in a single hit, also earning yourself extra score. Of course, the ufos aren't just going to be blow up without a fight so occasionally they will fire bullets that you will need to dodge as well, though if you fail to dodge them you can always use a barrier with the arrow keys which sets up a two second shield against oncoming fire. You only get a limited amount of these, but extras can be earnt after completing stages, as can laser power ups or extra lives.

One especially unique thing about the game is that it features fullly working graphics (actually with very large sprites which would make it ideal to play for a low vision gamer), though everything is still available in sound as well.

Happy blasting.


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